1. Introduction
Spring Cloud Alibaba aims to provide a one-stop solution for microservices development. This project includes the required components for developing distributed applications and services, so that developers can develop distributed applications easily with the Spring Cloud programming models.
With Spring Cloud Alibaba, you only need to add a few annotations and configurations, and you will be able to use the distributed solutions of Alibaba for your applications, and build a distributed system of your own with Alibaba middleware.
The features of Spring Cloud Alibaba:
Flow control and service degradation:support WebServlet, WebFlux, OpenFeign, RestTemplate, Dubbo access to the function of limiting and degrading flow. It can modify the rules of limiting and degrading flow in real time through the console at run time, and it also supports the monitoring of limiting and degrading Metrics.
Service registration and discovery:Service can be registered and clients can discover the instances using Spring-managed beans, auto integration Ribbon.
Distributed configuration:support for externalized configuration in a distributed system, auto refresh when configuration changes.
Rpc Service:extend Spring Cloud client RestTemplate and OpenFeign to support calling Dubbo RPC services.
Event-driven:support for building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with shared messaging systems.
Distributed Transaction:support for distributed transaction solution with high performance and ease of use.
Alibaba Cloud Object Storage:massive, secure, low-cost, and highly reliable cloud storage services. Support for storing and accessing any type of data in any application, anytime, anywhere.
Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX:accurate, highly reliable, and highly available scheduled job scheduling services with response time within seconds.
Alibaba Cloud SMS: A messaging service that covers the globe, Alibaba SMS provides convenient, efficient, and intelligent communication capabilities that help businesses quickly contact their customers.
Spring Cloud Alibaba also provide rich examples.
2. Dependency Management
If you’re a Maven Central user, add our BOM to your pom.xml <dependencyManagement> section. This will allow you to omit versions for any of the Maven dependencies and instead delegate versioning to the BOM.
In the following sections, it will be assumed you are using the Spring Cloud Alibaba BOM and the dependency snippets will not contain versions.
3. Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Discovery
Nacos is an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
With Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Discovery, you can quickly access the Nacos service registration feature based on Spring Cloud’s programming model.
3.1. Service Registration/Discovery: Nacos Discovery
Service discovery is one of the key components in the microservices architecture. In such a architecture, configuring a service list for every client manually could be a daunting task, and makes dynamic scaling extremely difficult. Nacos Discovery helps you to register your service to the Nacos server automatically, and the Nacos server keeps track of the services and refreshes the service list dynamically. In addition, Nacos Discovery registers some of the metadata of the service instance, such as host, port, health check URL, homepage to Nacos. For details about how to download and start Nacos, refer to the Nacos Website.
3.2. How to Introduce Nacos Discovery for service registration/discovery
please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery
3.3. An example of using Nacos Discovery for service registration/discovery and call
Nacos Discovery integrate with the Netflix Ribbon, RestTemplate or OpenFeign can be used for service-to-service calls.
3.3.1. Nacos Server Startup
For details about how to download and start Nacos, refer to the Nacos Website.
After Nacos Server starts, go to http://ip:8848 to view the console (default account name/password is nacos/nacos):

For more Nacos Server versions, you can download the latest version from release page.
3.3.2. Start a Provider Application
The following sample illustrates how to register a service to Nacos.
Configuration of pom.xml The following is a complete example of pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
Configuration of application.properties Some of the basic configurations of Nacos must be included in application.properties(or application.yaml), as shown below:
If you do not want to use Nacos for service registration and discovery, you can set spring.cloud.nacos.discovery to false .
The following is a sample for starting Provider:
public class NacosProviderDemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(NacosProviderDemoApplication.class, args);
public class EchoController {
@GetMapping(value = "/echo/{string}")
public String echo(@PathVariable String string) {
return "Hello Nacos Discovery " + string;
Now you can see the registered services on the Nacos console.
Before you start the provider application, please start Nacos first. Refer to Naco Website for more details. |
3.3.3. Start a Consumer Application
It might not be as easy as starting a provider application, because the consumer needs to call the RESTful service of the provider. In this example, we will use the most primitive way, that is, combining the LoadBalanceClient and RestTemplate explicitly to access the RESTful service. You can refer to section 1.2 for pom.xml and application.properties configurations. The following is the sample code for starting a consumer application.
You can also access the service by using RestTemplate and FeignClient with load balancing. |
public class NacosConsumerApp {
public class NacosController{
private LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private String appName;
public String echoAppName(){
//Access through the combination of LoadBalanceClient and RestTemplate
ServiceInstance serviceInstance = loadBalancerClient.choose("nacos-provider");
String path = String.format("http://%s:%s/echo/%s",serviceInstance.getHost(),serviceInstance.getPort(),appName);
System.out.println("request path:" +path);
return restTemplate.getForObject(path,String.class);
//Instantiate RestTemplate Instance
public RestTemplate restTemplate(){
return new RestTemplate();
public static void main(String[] args) {
In this example, we injected a LoadBalancerClient instance, and instantiated a RestTemplate manually. At the same time, we injected the configuration value of spring.application.name
into the application,
so that the current application name can be displayed when calling the service of the provider.
Please start Nacos before you start the consumer application. For details, please refer to Nacos Website. |
Next, access the http://ip:port/echo/app-name
interface provided by the consumer. Here we started the port of 8082. The access result is shown below:
Address: Access result: Hello Nacos Discovery nacos-consumer
3.4. Nacos Discovery Endpoint
Nacos Discovery provides an Endpoint internally with a corresponding endpoint id of nacos-discovery
Endpoint exposed json contains two properties:
subscribe: Shows the current service subscribers
NacosDiscoveryProperties: Shows the current basic Nacos configurations of the current service
The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:
"subscribe": [
"jsonFromServer": "",
"name": "nacos-provider",
"clusters": "",
"cacheMillis": 10000,
"hosts": [
"instanceId": "",
"ip": "",
"port": 8081,
"weight": 1.0,
"healthy": true,
"enabled": true,
"cluster": {
"serviceName": null,
"name": null,
"healthChecker": {
"type": "TCP"
"defaultPort": 80,
"defaultCheckPort": 80,
"useIPPort4Check": true,
"metadata": {
"service": null,
"metadata": {
"lastRefTime": 1541755293119,
"checksum": "e5a699c9201f5328241c178e804657e11541755293119",
"allIPs": false,
"key": "nacos-provider",
"valid": true
"NacosDiscoveryProperties": {
"serverAddr": "",
"endpoint": "",
"namespace": "",
"logName": "",
"service": "nacos-provider",
"weight": 1.0,
"clusterName": "DEFAULT",
"metadata": {
"registerEnabled": true,
"ip": "",
"networkInterface": "",
"port": 8082,
"secure": false,
"accessKey": "",
"secretKey": ""
3.5. Weight Route
3.5.1. Ribbon
3.6. More Information about Nacos Discovery Starter Configurations
The following shows the other configurations of the starter of Nacos Discovery:
Configuration |
Key |
Default Value |
Description |
Server address |
IP and port of the Nacos Server listener |
Service name |
Name the current service |
Weight |
Value range: 1 to 100. The bigger the value, the greater the weight |
Network card name |
If the IP address is not specified, the registered IP address is the IP address of the network card. If this is not specified either, the IP address of the first network card will be used by default. |
Registered IP address |
Highest priority |
Registered IP address Type |
IPv4 and IPv6 can be configured, If there are multiple IP addresses of the same type of network card, and you want to specify a specific network segment address, you can use |
Registered port |
Will be detected automatically by default. Do not need to be configured. |
Namespace |
A typical scenario is to isolate the service registration for different environment, such as resource (configurations, services etc.) isolation between testing and production environment |
AccessKey |
Alibaba Cloud account accesskey |
SecretKey |
Alibaba Cloud account secretkey |
Metadata |
You can define some of the metadata for your services in the Map format |
Log file name |
Cluster Name |
Cluster name of Nacos |
Endpoint |
The domain name of a certain service in a specific region. You can retrieve the server address dynamically with this domain name |
Integrate Ribbon or not |
Set to true in most cases |
Enable Nacos Watch |
set to false to close watch |
4. Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Config
Nacos is an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
Use Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Config to quickly access Nacos configuration management capabilities based on Spring Cloud’s programming model.
4.1. How to Introduce Nacos Config for configuration
please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config
4.2. Quickstart
Nacos Config uses DataId and GROUP to determine a configuration.
The following figure shows that the DataId uses myDataid
, and configures a configuration item of the format Properties:

4.2.1. Initialize Nacos Server
For specific startup methods, refer to the "Nacos Server Startup" section of the Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Discovery section.
After the Nacos Server is started, add how to configure it:
Data ID: nacos-config.properties
Configuration format: Properties
Configuration content: user.name=nacos-config-properties
The default file extension of DataId is properties. |
Usage on the Client
If you want to use Nacos to manage externalized configurations for your applications, please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config
Now we can create a standard Spring Boot application.
public class NacosConfigApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext = SpringApplication.run(NacosConfigApplication.class, args);
String userName = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.name");
String userAge = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.age");
System.err.println("user name :" +userName+"; age: "+userAge);
Before running this example, we need to configure the address of the Nacos server in bootstrap.properties. For example:
# DataId By default, the `spring.application.name` configuration is combined with the file extension (the configuration format uses properties by default), and the GROUP is not configured to use DEFAULT_GROUP by default. Therefore, the Nacos Config configuration corresponding to the configuration file has a DataId of nacos-config.properties and a GROUP of DEFAULT_GROUP
If you use domain name to access Nacos, the format of spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr should be Domain name:port .
For example, if the Nacos domain name is abc.com.nacos, and the listerner port is 80, then the configuration should be spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr=abc.com.nacos:80 .
Port 80 cannot be omitted.
Run this example and you can see the following output:
2018-11-02 14:24:51.638 INFO 32700 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.NacosConfigApplication : Started NacosConfigApplication in 14.645 seconds (JVM running for 15.139)
user name :nacos-config-properties; age: 90
2018-11-02 14:24:51.688 INFO 32700 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@a8c5e74: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:24:51 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
4.3. Add Configurations with DataId in YAML Format
Nacos Config supports yaml format as well. You only need to complete the following 2 steps.
1、In the bootstrap.properties file, add the following line to claim that the format of DataId is yaml. As follows:
2、Add a configuration with the DataId in yaml format on the Nacos console, as shown below:
Data ID: nacos-config.yaml
Configuration format: YAML
Configuration content: user.name: nacos-config-yaml
user.age: 68
After completing the preivous two steps, restart the testing program and you will see the following result.
2018-11-02 14:59:00.484 INFO 32928 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.NacosConfigApplication:Started NacosConfigApplication in 14.183 seconds (JVM running for 14.671)
user name :nacos-config-yaml; age: 68
2018-11-02 14:59:00.529 INFO 32928 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@265a478e: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:59:00 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
4.4. Support Dynamic Configuration Udpates
Nacos Config also supports dynamic configuration updates. The code for starting Spring Boot application testing is as follows:
public class NacosConfigApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext = SpringApplication.run(NacosConfigApplication.class, args);
while(true) {
//When configurations are refreshed dynamically, they will be updated in the Enviroment, therefore here we retrieve configurations from Environment every other second.
String userName = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.name");
String userAge = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.age");
System.err.println("user name :" + userName + "; age: " + userAge);
When user.name is changed, the latest value can be retrieved from the application, as shown below:
user name :nacos-config-yaml; age: 68
user name :nacos-config-yaml; age: 68
user name :nacos-config-yaml; age: 68
2018-11-02 15:04:25.069 INFO 32957 --- [-] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Started application in 0.144 seconds (JVM running for 71.752)
2018-11-02 15:04:25.070 INFO 32957 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@10c89124: startup date [Fri Nov 02 15:04:25 CST 2018]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@6520af7
2018-11-02 15:04:25.071 INFO 32957 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@6520af7: startup date [Fri Nov 02 15:04:24 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
//Read the updated value from Enviroment
user name :nacos-config-yaml-update; age: 68
user name :nacos-config-yaml-update; age: 68
You can disable automatic refresh with this setting`spring.cloud.nacos.config.refresh.enabled=false`. |
4.5. Support configurations at the profile level
When configurations are loaded by Nacos Config, basic configurations with DataId of ${spring.application.name}. ${file-extension:properties}
, and DataId of ${spring.application.name}-${profile}. ${file-extension:properties}
are also loaded. If you need to use different configurations from different environments, you can use the ${spring.profiles.active}
configuration provided by Spring.
When specified in configuration files, ${spring.profiles.active} must be placed in bootstrap.properties. |
Add a basic configuration in Nacos, with a DataId of nacos-config-develop.yaml, as shown below:
Data ID: nacos-config-develop.yaml
Configuration format: YAML
Configuration content: current.env: develop-env
Run the following Spring Boot application testing code:
public class NacosConfigApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext = SpringApplication.run(NacosConfigApplication.class, args);
while(true) {
String userName = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.name");
String userAge = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.age");
//Get the current deployment environment
String currentEnv = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("current.env");
System.err.println("in "+currentEnv+" enviroment; "+"user name :" + userName + "; age: " + userAge);
After started, you can see the output as follows in the console:
in develop-env enviroment; user name :nacos-config-yaml-update; age: 68
2018-11-02 15:34:25.013 INFO 33014 --- [ Thread-11] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext@6f1c29b7: startup date [Fri Nov 02 15:33:57 CST 2018]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@63355449
To switch to the production environment, you only need to change the parameter of ${spring.profiles.active}
. As show below:
At the same time, add the basic configuration with the DataId in the Nacos of your production environment. For example, you can add the configuration with the DataId of nacos-config-product.yaml in Nacos of your production environment:
Data ID: nacos-config-product.yaml
Configuration format: YAML
Configuration content: current.env: product-env
Start the testing program and you will see the following result:
in product-env enviroment; user name :nacos-config-yaml-update; age: 68
2018-11-02 15:42:14.628 INFO 33024 --- [Thread-11] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext@6aa8e115: startup date [Fri Nov 02 15:42:03 CST 2018]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@19bb07ed
In this example, we coded the configuration in the configuration file by using the spring.profiles.active=<profilename> method. In real scenarios, this variable needs to be different in different environment. You can use the -Dspring.profiles.active=<profile> parameter to specify the configuration so that you can switch between different environments easily.
4.6. Support Custom Namespaces
For details about namespaces in Nacos, refer to Nacos Concepts
Namespaces are used to isolate configurations for different tenants. Groups and Data IDs can be the same across different namespaces. Typical scenarios of namespaces is the isolation of configurations for different environments, for example, isolation between development/testing environments and production environments(configurations and services and so on).
The “Public” namespace of Nacos is used if no namespace is specified in ${spring.cloud.nacos.config.namespace}
. You can also specify a custom namespace in the following way:
This configuration must be in the bootstrap.properties file. The value of spring.cloud.nacos.config.namespace is the id of the namespace, and the value of id can be retrieved from the Nacos console. Do not select other namespaces when adding configurations. Otherwise configurations cannot be retrieved properly.
4.7. Support Custom Groups
DEFAULT_GROUP is used by default when no {spring.cloud.nacos.config.group}
configuration is defined. If you need to define your own group, you can define it in the following property:
This configuration must be in the bootstrap.properties file, and the value of Group must be the same with the value of spring.cloud.nacos.config.group .
4.8. Support Custom Data Id
As of Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Config, data id can be self-defined. For detailed design of this part, refer to Github issue. The following is a complete sample:
# config external configuration
# 1. Data Id is in the default group of DEFAULT_GROUP, and dynamic refresh of configurations is not supported.
# 2. Data Id is not in the default group, and dynamic refresh of configurations is not supported.
# 3. Data Id is not in the default group and dynamic referesh of configurations is supported.
We can see that:
Support multiple data ids by configuring
. -
Customize the group of data id by configuring
. If not specified, DEFAULT_GROUP is used. -
Control whether this data id supports dynamic refresh of configurations is supported when configurations are changed by configuring
. It’s not supported by default.
When multiple Data Ids are configured at the same time, the priority is defined by the value of “n” in spring.cloud.nacos.config.ext-config[n].data-id . The bigger the value, the higher the priority.
The value of spring.cloud.nacos.config.ext-config[n].data-id must have a file extension, and it could be properties or yaml/yml.
The setting in spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension does not have any impact on the custom Data Id file extension.
The configuration of custom Data Id allows the sharing of configurations among multiple applications, and also enables support of multiple configurations for one application.
To share the data id among multiple applications in a clearer manner, you can also use the following method:
We can see that:
Multiple shared data ids can be configured using
, and the data ids are separted by commas. -
is used to control which data ids will be refreshed dynamically when configurations are updated, and that the latest configuration values can be retrieved by applications. Data ids are separated with commas. If not specified, all shared data ids will not be dynamically refreshed.
When using spring.cloud.nacos.config.shared-dataids to configure multiple shared data ids,
we agree on the following priority between the shared configurations: Priorities are decided based on the order in which the configurations appear. The one that occurs later is higher in priority than the one that appears first.
When using spring.cloud.nacos.config.shared-dataids , the data Id must have a file extension, and it could be properties or yaml/yml.
And the configuration in spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension does not have any impact on the customized Data Id file extension.
When spring.cloud.nacos.config.refreshable-dataids specifies the data ids that support dynamic refresh, the corresponding values of the data ids should also specify file extensions.
4.9. Nacos Config Endpoint
Nacos Config provides an Endpoint internally with a corresponding endpoint id of nacos-config
Endpoint exposed json contains three properties:
Sources: Current application configuration data information
RefreshHistory: Configuration refresh history
NacosConfigProperties: Shows the current basic Nacos configurations of the current service
The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:
"NacosConfigProperties": {
"serverAddr": "",
"encode": null,
"group": "DEFAULT_GROUP",
"prefix": null,
"fileExtension": "properties",
"timeout": 3000,
"endpoint": null,
"namespace": null,
"accessKey": null,
"secretKey": null,
"contextPath": null,
"clusterName": null,
"name": null,
"sharedDataids": "base-common.properties,common.properties",
"refreshableDataids": "common.properties",
"extConfig": null
"RefreshHistory": [{
"timestamp": "2019-07-29 11:20:04",
"dataId": "nacos-config-example.properties",
"md5": "7d5d7f1051ff6571e2ec9f90887d9d91"
"Sources": [{
"lastSynced": "2019-07-29 11:19:04",
"dataId": "common.properties"
}, {
"lastSynced": "2019-07-29 11:19:04",
"dataId": "base-common.properties"
}, {
"lastSynced": "2019-07-29 11:19:04",
"dataId": "nacos-config-example.properties"
4.10. Disable Nacos Config AutoConfiguration
set spring.cloud.nacos.config.enabled = false to disable Spring Cloud Nacos Config AutoConfiguration.
4.11. More Information about Nacos Config Starter Configurations
The following shows the other configurations of the starter of Nacos Config:
Configuration |
Key |
Default Value |
Description |
Server address |
IP and port of the Nacos Server listener |
Dataid from nacos config |
First take the prefix, then go to the name, and finally take spring.application.name |
Dataid from nacos config |
First take the prefix, then go to the name, and finally take spring.application.name |
Encode for nacos config content |
Encode for nacos config content |
GROUP for nacos config |
GROUP for nacos config |
The suffix of nacos config dataId, also the file extension of config content. |
The suffix of nacos config dataId, also the file extension of config content(now support properties or yaml(yml)) |
Timeout for get config from nacos |
Timeout for get config from nacos |
Endpoint |
Endpoint |
Namespace |
Namespace |
AccessKey |
Alibaba Cloud account accesskey |
SecretKey |
Alibaba Cloud account secretkey |
The context path of Nacos Server |
The context path of Nacos Server |
Cluster name |
Cluster name |
Dataid for Shared Configuration |
Dataid for Shared Configuration, split by "," |
Dynamic refresh dataid for Shared Configuration |
Dynamic refresh dataid for Shared Configuration, split by "," |
custom dataid |
It’s a List,build up by |
5. Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel
5.1. Introduction of Sentinel
As microservices become popular, the stability of service calls is becoming increasingly important. Sentinel takes "flow" as the breakthrough point, and works on multiple fields including flow control, circuit breaking and load protection to protect service reliability.
Sentinel has the following features:
Rich Scenarios: Sentinel has supported the key scenarios of Alibaba’s Double 11 Shopping Festivals for over 10 years, such as second kill(i.e., controlling sudden bursts of traffic flow so that it’s within the acceptable range of the system capacity), message load shifting, circuit breaking of unreliable downstream applications.
Comprehensive Real-Time Monitoring: Sentinel provides real-time monitoring capability. You can see the monitoring data of your servers at the accuracy of seconds, and even the overall runtime status of a cluster with less than 500 nodes.
Extensive Open-Source Ecosystem: Sentinel provides out-of-box modules that can be easily integrated with other open-source frameworks/libraries, such as Spring Cloud, Dubbo, and gRPC. To use Sentinel, you only need to introduce the related dependency and make a few simple configurations.
Sound SPI Extensions: Sentinel provides easy-to-use and sound SPI extension interfaces. You can customize logics with the SPI extensions quickly, for example, you can define your own rule management, or adapt to specific data sources.
5.2. How to Use Sentinel
If you want to use Sentinel in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-sentinel
The following is a simple example of how to use Sentinel:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ServiceApplication.class, args);
public class TestController {
@GetMapping(value = "/hello")
public String hello() {
return "Hello Sentinel";
The @SentinelResource annotation is used to identify if a resource is rate limited or degraded. In the above sample, the 'hello' attribute of the annotation refers to the resource name.
@SentinelResource also provides attributes such as blockHandler
, blockHandlerClass
, and fallback
to identify rate limiting or degradation operations. For more details, refer to Sentinel Annotation Support.
The above examples are all used in the WebServlet environment. Sentinel currently supports WebFlux and needs to cooperate with the spring-boot-starter-webflux
dependency to trigger the WebFlux-related automation configuration in sentinel starter.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ServiceApplication.class, args);
public class TestController {
public Mono<String> mono() {
return Mono.just("simple string")
.transform(new SentinelReactorTransformer<>("otherResourceName"));
Sentinel Dashboard
Sentinel dashboard is a lightweight console that provides functions such as machine discovery, single-server resource monitoring, overview of cluster resource data, as well as rule management. To use these features, you only need to complete a few steps.
Note: The statistics overview for clusters only supports clusters with less than 500 nodes, and has a latency of about 1 to 2 seconds.

To use the Sentinel dashboard, simply complete the following 3 steps.
Get the Dashboard
You can download the latest dashboard JAR file from the Release Page.
You can also get the latest source code to build your own Sentinel dashboard:
Download the Dashboard project.
Run the following command to package the code into a FatJar:
mvn clean package
Start the Dashboard
Sentinel dashboard is a standard SpringBoot application, and you can run the JAR file in the Spring Boot mode.
java -Dserver.port=8080 -Dcsp.sentinel.dashboard.server=localhost:8080 -Dproject.name=sentinel-dashboard -jar sentinel-dashboard.jar
If there is conflict with the 8080 port, you can use -Dserver.port=new port
to define a new port.
5.2.2. Configure the Dashboard
port: 8719
dashboard: localhost:8080
The port number specified in spring.cloud.sentinel.transport.port
will start an HTTP Server on the corresponding server of the application, and this server will interact with the Sentinel dashboard. For example, if a rate limiting rule is added in the Sentinel dashboard, the the rule data will be pushed to and recieved by the HTTP Server, which in turn registers the rule to Sentinel.
For more information about Sentinel dashboard, please refer to Sentinel Dashboard.
5.3. OpenFeign Support
Sentinel is compatible with the OpenFeign component. To use it, in addition to introducing the sentinel-starter
dependency, complete the following 2 steps:
Enable the Sentinel support for feign in the properties file.
Add the
openfeign starter
dependency to trigger and enablesentinel starter
This is a simple usage of FeignClient
@FeignClient(name = "service-provider", fallback = EchoServiceFallback.class, configuration = FeignConfiguration.class)
public interface EchoService {
@GetMapping(value = "/echo/{str}")
String echo(@PathVariable("str") String str);
class FeignConfiguration {
public EchoServiceFallback echoServiceFallback() {
return new EchoServiceFallback();
class EchoServiceFallback implements EchoService {
public String echo(@PathVariable("str") String str) {
return "echo fallback";
The resource name policy in the corresponding interface of Feign is:httpmethod:protocol://requesturl. All the attributes in the @FeignClient annotation is supported by Sentinel.
The corresponding resource name of the echo
method in the EchoService
interface is GET:http://service-provider/echo/{str}
5.4. RestTemplate Support
Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel supports the protection of RestTemplate
service calls using Sentinel. To do this, you need to add the @SentinelRestTemplate
annotation when constructing the RestTemplate
@SentinelRestTemplate(blockHandler = "handleException", blockHandlerClass = ExceptionUtil.class)
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
The attribute of the @SentinelRestTemplate
annotation support flow control(blockHandler
, blockHandlerClass
) and circuit breaking(fallback
, fallbackClass
The blockHandler
or fallback
is the static method of blockHandlerClass
or fallbackClass
The parameter and return value of method in @SentinelRestTemplate
is same as org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequestInterceptor#interceptor
, but it has one more parameter BlockException
to catch the exception by Sentinel.
The method signature of handleException
in ExceptionUtil
above should be like this:
public class ExceptionUtil {
public static ClientHttpResponse handleException(HttpRequest request, byte[] body, ClientHttpRequestExecution execution, BlockException exception) {
When the application starts, it will check if the @SentinelRestTemplate annotation corresponding to the flow control or circuit breaking method exists, if it does not exist, it will throw an exception.
The attribute of the @SentinelRestTemplate
annotation is optional.
It will return RestTemplate request block by sentinel
when you using RestTemplate
blocked by Sentinel. You can override it by your own logic. We provide SentinelClientHttpResponse
to handle the response.
Sentinel RestTemplate provides two granularities for resource rate limiting:
: Protocol, host, port and path -
: Protocol, host and port
Take Http GET https://www.taobao.com/test as an example. The corresponding resource names have two levels of granularities, GET:https://www.taobao.com and GET:https://www.taobao.com/test .
5.5. Dynamic Data Source Support
provide datasource
attribute to configure datasource.
For example, 4 data sources are configures:
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.ds1.file.file=classpath: degraderule.json
#spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.ds1.file.file=classpath: flowrule.json
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.ds3.zk.path = /Sentinel-Demo/SYSTEM-CODE-DEMO-FLOW
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.ds3.zk.server-addr = localhost:2181
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.ds4.apollo.namespace-name = application
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.ds4.apollo.flow-rules-key = sentinel
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.ds4.apollo.default-flow-rule-value = test
This method follows the configuration of Spring Cloud Stream Binder. TreeMap
is used for storage internally, and comparator is String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
d1, ds2, ds3, ds4 are the names of ReadableDataSource , and can be coded as you like. The file , zk , nacos , apollo refer to the specific data sources. The configurations following them are the specific configurations of these data sources respecitively.
Every data source has 3 common configuration items: data-type
, converter-class
and rule-type
refers to Converter
. Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel provides two embedded values by default: json
and xml
(the default is json if not specified). If you do not want to use the embedded json
or xml
, you can also fill in custom
to indicate that you will define your own Converter
, and then configure the converter-class
. You need to specify the full path of the class for this configuration.
refers to the rule type in datasource(flow
, param-flow
, gw-flow
, gw-api-group
XML format is not supported by default. To make it effective, you need to add the jackson-dataformat-xml dependency.
To learn more about how dynamic data sources work in Sentinel, refer to Dynamic Rule Extension.
5.6. Support Zuul
Refer API Gateway Flow Control
If you want to use Sentinel Starter with Zuul, you need to add the spring-cloud-alibaba-sentinel-gateway
dependency, and you need to add the spring-cloud-starter-netflix-zuul
dependency to let Zuul AutoConfiguration class in the gateway module takes effect:
5.7. Support Spring Cloud Gateway
Refer API Gateway Flow Control
If you want to use Sentinel Starter with Spring Cloud Gateway, you need to add the spring-cloud-alibaba-sentinel-gateway
dependency and add the spring-cloud-starter-gateway
dependency to let Spring Cloud Gateway AutoConfiguration class in the module takes effect:
5.8. Circuit Breaker: Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker With Sentinel & Configuring Sentinel Circuit Breakers
5.8.1. Default Configuration
To provide a default configuration for all of your circuit breakers create a Customizer
bean that is passed a
or ReactiveSentinelCircuitBreakerFactory
The configureDefault
method can be used to provide a default configuration.
public Customizer<SentinelCircuitBreakerFactory> defaultCustomizer() {
return factory -> factory.configureDefault(id -> new SentinelConfigBuilder(id)
You can choose to provide default circuit breaking rules via SentinelConfigBuilder#rules(rules)
You can also choose to load circuit breaking rules later elsewhere using
API of Sentinel, or via Sentinel dashboard.
Reactive Example
public Customizer<ReactiveSentinelCircuitBreakerFactory> defaultCustomizer() {
return factory -> factory.configureDefault(id -> new SentinelConfigBuilder(id)
5.8.2. Specific Circuit Breaker Configuration
Similarly to providing a default configuration, you can create a Customizer
bean this is passed a
public Customizer<SentinelCircuitBreakerFactory> slowCustomizer() {
String slowId = "slow";
List<DegradeRule> rules = Collections.singletonList(
new DegradeRule(slowId).setGrade(RuleConstant.DEGRADE_GRADE_RT)
return factory -> factory.configure(builder -> builder.rules(rules), slowId);
Reactive Example
public Customizer<ReactiveSentinelCircuitBreakerFactory> customizer() {
List<DegradeRule> rules = Collections.singletonList(
new DegradeRule().setGrade(RuleConstant.DEGRADE_GRADE_RT)
return factory -> factory.configure(builder -> builder.rules(rules), "foo", "bar");
5.9. Sentinel Endpoint
Sentinel provides an Endpoint internally with a corresponding endpoint id of sentinel
Endpoint exposed json contains multi properties:
appName: application name
logDir: the directory of log
logUsePid: log name with pid ot not
blockPage: redirect page after sentinel block
metricsFileSize: the size of metrics file
metricsFileCharset: metrics file charset
totalMetricsFileCount: the total file count of of metrics file
consoleServer: sentinel dashboard address
clientIp: client ip
heartbeatIntervalMs: client heartbeat interval with dashboard
clientPort: the client needs to expose the port to interact with the dashboard
coldFactor: cold factor
filter: CommonFilter related properties, such as order, urlPatterns and enable
datasource: datasource configuration info by client
rules: the rule that the client takes effect internally contains flowRules, degradeRules, systemRules, authorityRule, paramFlowRule
The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:
"blockPage": null,
"appName": "sentinel-example",
"consoleServer": "localhost:8080",
"coldFactor": "3",
"rules": {
"flowRules": [{
"resource": "GET:http://www.taobao.com",
"limitApp": "default",
"grade": 1,
"count": 0.0,
"strategy": 0,
"refResource": null,
"controlBehavior": 0,
"warmUpPeriodSec": 10,
"maxQueueingTimeMs": 500,
"clusterMode": false,
"clusterConfig": null
}, {
"resource": "/test",
"limitApp": "default",
"grade": 1,
"count": 0.0,
"strategy": 0,
"refResource": null,
"controlBehavior": 0,
"warmUpPeriodSec": 10,
"maxQueueingTimeMs": 500,
"clusterMode": false,
"clusterConfig": null
}, {
"resource": "/hello",
"limitApp": "default",
"grade": 1,
"count": 1.0,
"strategy": 0,
"refResource": null,
"controlBehavior": 0,
"warmUpPeriodSec": 10,
"maxQueueingTimeMs": 500,
"clusterMode": false,
"clusterConfig": null
"metricsFileCharset": "UTF-8",
"filter": {
"order": -2147483648,
"urlPatterns": ["/*"],
"enabled": true
"totalMetricsFileCount": 6,
"datasource": {
"ds1": {
"file": {
"dataType": "json",
"ruleType": "FLOW",
"converterClass": null,
"file": "...",
"charset": "utf-8",
"recommendRefreshMs": 3000,
"bufSize": 1048576
"nacos": null,
"zk": null,
"apollo": null,
"redis": null
"clientIp": "",
"clientPort": "8719",
"logUsePid": false,
"metricsFileSize": 52428800,
"logDir": "...",
"heartbeatIntervalMs": 10000
5.10. Configuration
The following table shows that when there are corresponding bean types in ApplicationContext
, some actions will be taken:
Existing Bean Type |
Action |
Function |
Resource cleaning(resource(for example, classify all URLs of /foo/:id to the /foo/* resource)) |
Customize rate limiting logic |
Setting the origin |
The following table shows all the configurations of Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel:
Configuration |
Description |
Default Value |
Project Name Of Sentinel |
Whether Sentinel automatic configuration takes effect |
true |
Whether to trigger Sentinel initialization in advance |
false |
Port for the application to interact with Sentinel dashboard. An HTTP Server which uses this port will be started in the application |
8719 |
Sentinel dashboard address |
Hearbeat interval between the application and Sentinel dashboard |
The client IP of this configuration will be registered to the Sentinel Server side. |
Loading order of Servlet Filter. The filter will be constructed in the Starter |
Integer.MIN_VALUE |
Data type is array. Refers to the collection of Servlet Filter ULR patterns |
/* |
Enable to instance CommonFilter |
true |
metric file character set |
UTF-8 |
Sentinel metric single file size |
Sentinel metric total file number |
Directory of Sentinel log files |
If PID is required for Sentinel log file names |
false |
Customized redirection URL. When rate limited, the request will be redirected to the pre-defined URL |
3 |
The order of SentinelZuulPreFilter |
10000 |
The order of SentinelZuulPostFilter |
1000 |
The order of SentinelZuulErrorFilter |
-1 |
Response mode after Spring Cloud Gateway circuit break (select |
Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is the redirect URL corresponding to 'redirect' mode |
Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is response content corresponding to 'response' mode |
Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is the response code corresponding to 'response' mode |
429 |
The Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is the content-type corresponding to the 'response' mode. |
application/json |
These configurations will only take effect in servlet environment. RestTemplate and Feign will not take effect for these configurations. |
6. Spring Cloud Alibaba RocketMQ Binder
6.1. Introduction of RocketMQ
RocketMQ is an open-source distributed message system. It is based on highly available distributed cluster technologies and provides message publishing and subscription service with low latency and high stability. RocketMQ is widely used in a variety of industries, such as decoupling of asynchronous communication, enterprise sulotions, financial settlements, telecommunication, e-commerce, logistics, marketing, social media, instant messaging, mobile applications, mobile games, vedios, IoT, and Internet of Vehicles.
It has the following features:
Strict order of message sending and consumption
Rich modes of message pulling
Horizontal scalability of consumers
Real-time message subscription
Billion-level message accumulation capability
6.2. RocketMQ Usages
Download RocketMQ
Download Latest Binary File of RocketMQ, and decompress it.
The decompressed directory is as follows:
├── README.md
├── benchmark
├── bin
├── conf
└── lib
Start NameServer
nohup sh bin/mqnamesrv &
tail -f ~/logs/rocketmqlogs/namesrv.log
Start Broker
nohup sh bin/mqbroker -n localhost:9876 &
tail -f ~/logs/rocketmqlogs/broker.log
Send and Receive Messages
Send messages:
sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Producer
Output when the message is successfully sent: SendResult [sendStatus=SEND_OK, msgId= …
Receive messages:
sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer
Output when the message is successfully received: ConsumeMessageThread_%d Receive New Messages: [MessageExt…
Disable Server
sh bin/mqshutdown broker
sh bin/mqshutdown namesrv
6.3. Introduction of Spring Cloud Stream
Spring Cloud Stream is a microservice framework used to build architectures based on messages. It helps you to create production-ready single-server Spring applications based on SpringBoot, and connects with Broker using Spring Integration
Spring Cloud Stream provides unified abstractions of message middleware configurations, and puts forward concepts such as publish-subscribe, consumer groups and partition.
There are two concepts in Spring Cloud Stream: Binder and Binding
Binder: A component used to integrate with external message middleware, and is used to create binding. Different message middleware products have their own binder implementations.
For example, Kafka
uses KafkaMessageChannelBinder
, RabbitMQ
uses RabbitMessageChannelBinder
, while RocketMQ
uses RocketMQMessageChannelBinder
Binding: Includes Input Binding and Output Binding.
Binding serves as a bridge between message middleware and the provider and consumer of the applications. Developers only need to use the Provider or Consumer to produce or consume data, and do not need to worry about the interactions with the message middleware.

Now let’s use Spring Cloud Stream to write a simple code for sending and receiving messages:
MessageChannel messageChannel = new DirectChannel();
// Message subscription
((SubscribableChannel) messageChannel).subscribe(new MessageHandler() {
public void handleMessage(Message<? > message) throws MessagingException {
System.out.println("receive msg: " + message.getPayload());
// Message sending
messageChannel.send(MessageBuilder.withPayload("simple msg").build());
All the message types in this code are provided by the `spring-messaging`module. It shields the lower-layer implementations of message middleware. If you would like to change the message middleware, you only need to configure the related message middleware information in the configuration file and modify the binder dependency.
The lower layer of Spring Cloud Stream also implements various code abstractions based on the previous code.
6.4. How to use Spring Cloud Alibaba RocketMQ Binder
For using the Spring Cloud Alibaba RocketMQ Binder, you just need to add it to your Spring Cloud Stream application, using the following Maven coordinates:
Alternatively, you can also use the Spring Cloud Stream RocketMQ Starter:
6.5. How Spring Cloud Alibaba RocketMQ Binder Works
This is the implementation architecture of Spring Cloud Stream RocketMQ Binder:

The implementation of RocketMQ Binder depend on the RocketMQ-Spring framework.
RocketMQ Spring framework is an integration of RocketMQ and Spring Boot. It provides three main features:
: Sending messages, including synchronous, asynchronous, and transactional messages. -
: Listen and check for transaction messages. -
: Consume messages.
is a standard implementation of Binder, it will build RocketMQInboundChannelAdapter
and RocketMQMessageHandler
will construct RocketMQTemplate
based on the Binding configuration. RocketMQTemplate
will convert the org.springframework.messaging.Message
message class of spring-messaging
module to the RocketMQ message class org.apache.rocketmq.common .message.Message
internally, then send it out.
will also construct RocketMQListenerBindingContainer
based on the Binding configuration, and RocketMQListenerBindingContainer
will start the RocketMQ Consumer
to receive the messages.
RocketMQ Binder Application can also be used to configure rocketmq.** to trigger RocketMQ Spring related AutoConfiguration |
Currently Binder supports setting the relevant key in Header
to set the properties of the RocketMQ message.
For example, TAGS
represent the labels corresponding to the RocketMQ message.
MessageBuilder builder = MessageBuilder.withPayload(msg)
.setHeader(RocketMQHeaders.TAGS, "binder")
.setHeader(RocketMQHeaders.KEYS, "my-key")
.setHeader(MessageConst.PROPERTY_DELAY_TIME_LEVEL, "1");
Message message = builder.build();
6.6. Support MessageSource
SCS RocketMQ Binder support MessageSource
,which can receive messages by pull mode:
public class MQApplication {
private final Logger logger =
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MQApplication.class, args);
public ApplicationRunner runner(PollableMessageSource source,
MessageChannel dest) {
return args -> {
while (true) {
boolean result = source.poll(m -> {
String payload = (String) m.getPayload();
logger.info("Received: " + payload);
}, new ParameterizedTypeReference<String>() { });
if (result) {
logger.info("Processed a message");
else {
logger.info("Nothing to do");
public static interface PolledProcessor {
PollableMessageSource source();
MessageChannel dest();
6.7. Configuration Options
6.7.1. RocketMQ Binder Properties
- spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.binder.name-server
The name server of RocketMQ Server(Older versions use the namesrv-addr configuration item).
. - spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.binder.access-key
The AccessKey of Alibaba Cloud Account.
Default: null.
- spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.binder.secret-key
The SecretKey of Alibaba Cloud Account.
Default: null.
- spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.binder.enable-msg-trace
Enable Message Trace feature for all producers and consumers.
. - spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.binder.customized-trace-topic
The trace topic for message trace.
. - spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.binder.access-channel
The commercial version of rocketmq message trajectory topic is adaptive,the value is CLOUD
Default: null.
6.7.2. RocketMQ Consumer Properties
The following properties are available for RocketMQ producers only and must be prefixed with spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.bindings.<channelName>.consumer.
- enable
Enable Consumer Binding.
. - tags
Consumer subscription tags expression, tags split by
.Default: empty.
- sql
Consumer subscription sql expression.
Default: empty.
- broadcasting
Control message mode, if you want all subscribers receive message all message, broadcasting is a good choice.
. - orderly
Receiving message concurrently or orderly.
. - delayLevelWhenNextConsume
Message consume retry strategy for concurrently consume:
-1,no retry,put into DLQ directly
0,broker control retry frequency
>0,client control retry frequency
- suspendCurrentQueueTimeMillis
Time interval of message consume retry for orderly consume.
6.7.3. RocketMQ Provider Properties
The following properties are available for RocketMQ producers only and must be prefixed with spring.cloud.stream.rocketmq.bindings.<channelName>.producer.
- enable
Enable Producer Binding.
. - group
Producer group name.
Default: empty.
- maxMessageSize
Maximum allowed message size in bytes.
. - transactional
Send Transactional Message.
. - sync
Send message in synchronous mode.
. - vipChannelEnabled
Send message with vip channel.
. - sendMessageTimeout
Millis of send message timeout.
. - compressMessageBodyThreshold
Compress message body threshold, namely, message body larger than 4k will be compressed on default.
. - retryTimesWhenSendFailed
Maximum number of retry to perform internally before claiming sending failure in synchronous mode.
. - retryTimesWhenSendAsyncFailed
Maximum number of retry to perform internally before claiming sending failure in asynchronous mode.
. - retryNextServer
Indicate whether to retry another broker on sending failure internally.
7. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ANS
ANS(Application Naming Service) is a component of EDAS. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ANS provides the commercial version of service registration and discovery in conformity with the Spring Cloud specifications, so that you can develop your applications locally and run them on the cloud.
EDAS currently supports direct deployment of Nacos Discovery applications |
7.1. How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ANS
If you want to use ANS in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-ans
7.2. Use ANS to Register Service
When Spring Cloud AliCloud ANS Starter is introduced on the client, the metadata of the service such as IP, port number and weright will be registered to the registration center automatically. The client will maintain heartbeat with the server to prove that it is capable of providing service properly.
The following is a simple illustration.
public class ProviderApplication {
public String home() {
return "Hello world";
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ProviderApplication.class, args);
As the service will registered to the registration center, we will need to configure the address of the registration center. We also need to add the following address in application.properties.
# The application name will be used as the service name, therefore it is mandatory.
# The following is the IP and port number of the registration center.
By now the registration center is not started yet, so you will get an error message if your application is started. Therefore, start the registration center before you start your application. |
7.3. Start Registration Center
ANS uses two types of registration centers. One is the free lightweight configuration center and the other is the registration center on cloud, which is provided through EDAS. Generally, you can use the lightweight version for application development and local testing, and use EDAS for canary deployment or production.
7.3.1. Start Lightweight Configuration Center
Refer to the Configure Lightweight Configuration Center for details about how to download and install lightweight configuration center.
You only need to perform step 1(Download lightweight configuration center) and step 2(Start lightweight configuration center). Step 3(Configure hosts) is not required if you use ANS at the same time. |
After you start the lightweight configuration center, start ProviderApplication directly, and you will be able to register your service to the configuration center. The default port of the lightweight configuration center is 8080, therefore you can open, click “Services” on the left and see the registered service.
7.3.2. User Registration Center on the Cloud
Using the registration center on the cloud saves you from the tedious work of server maintenance while at the same time provides a better stability. There is no difference at the code level between using the registration center on cloud and lightweight configuration center, but there are some differences in configurations.
The following is a simple sample of using the registration center on the cloud.
# The application name will be used the service name, and is therefore mandatory.
# Configure your own port number
# The following is the IP and port number of the configuration center. The default value is and 8080, so the following lines can be omitted.
spring.cloud.alicloud.access-key=Your Alibaba Cloud AK
spring.cloud.alicloud.secret-key=Your Alibaba Cloud SK
The default value of server-mode is LOCAL. If you want to use the registration center on cloud, you need to change it to EDAS.
Access-key and secret-key are the AK/SK of your Alibaba Cloud account. Register an Alibaba Cloud account first and log on to the Cloud Console Alibaba Cloud AK/SK to copy your AccessKey ID and Access Key Secret. If you haven’t created one, click the “Create AccessKey” button.
Namespace is a concept in EDAS, which is used to isolate environments, such as testing environment and production environment. To find your namespace, click to Sign up for EDAS first. You will not be charged under the pay-as-you-go mode. Then log on to the EDAS Console and you will be able to see your namespace, for example cn-hangzhou.
EDAS provides application hosting service and will fill in all configurations automatically for the hosted applications. |
8. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ACM
Spring Cloud AliCloud ACM is an implementation of the commercial product Application Configuration Management(ACM) in the client side of Spring Cloud, and is free of charge.
Use Spring Cloud AliCloud ACM to quickly access ACM configuration management capabilities based on Spring Cloud’s programming model.
Currently EDAS already supports direct deployment of the Nacos Config app. |
8.1. How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ACM
If you want to use ACM in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-acm
8.2. Use ACM to Manage Configurations
When Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ACM Starter is introduced into the client, the application will automatically get configuration information from the configuration management server when it starts, and inject the configuration into Spring Environment.
The following is a simple illustration.
public class ProviderApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext = SpringApplication.run(ProviderApplication.class, args);
String userName = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.name");
String userAge = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.age");
System.err.println("user name :" +userName+"; age: "+userAge);
As we need to obtain configuration information from the configuration server, we will need to configure the address of the server. We also need to add the following information in bootstrap.properties.
# Required. The application name will be used as part of the keyword to get the configuration key from the server.
# The following is the IP and port number of the configuration server.
By now the configuration center is not started yet, so you will get an error message if your application is started. Therefore, start the configuration center before you start your application. |
8.2.1. Start Configuration Center
ACM uses two types of configuration centers. One is lightweight configuration center, the other is ACM which is used on Alibaba Cloud. Generally, you can use the lightweight version for application development and local testing, and use ACM for canary deployment or production.
Use Lightweight Configuration Center
Refer to the Configure Lightweight Configuration Center for details about how to download and install lightweight configuration center.
You only need to perform step 1(Download lightweight configuration center) and step 2(Start lightweight configuration center). |
Use ACM on the Alibaba Cloud
Using ACM on the cloud saves you from the tedious work of server maintenance while at the same time provides a better stability. There is no difference at the code level between using ACM on cloud and lightweight configuration center, but there are some differences in configurations.
The following is a simple sample of using ACM. You can view configuration details on ACM Console
# The application name will be used as part of the keyword to obtain configuration key from the server, and is mandatory.
# Configure your own port number
# The following is the IP and port number of the configuration center.
spring.cloud.alicloud.access-key=Your Alibaba Cloud AK
spring.cloud.alicloud.secret-key=Your Alibaba Cloud SK
spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.namespace=Your ACM namespace(You can find the namespace on the ACM console)
EDAS provides application hosting service and will fill in all configurations about ACM automatically for the hosted applications. |
8.2.2. Add Configuration in the Configuration Center
After you start the lightweight configuration center, add the following configuration on the console.
DataId: acm-config.properties
Content: user.name=james
The format of dataId is {prefix}. {file-extension} . “prefix” is obtained from spring.application.name by default, and the value of “file-extension” is "properties” by default.
8.2.3. Start Application Verification
Start the following example and you can see that the value printed on the console is the value we configured in the lightweight configuration center.
user name :james; age: 18
8.3. Modify Configuration File Extension
The default file extension of dataId in spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-acm is properties. In addition to properties, yaml is also supported.
You can set the file extension using spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.file-extension. Just set it to yaml
or `yml`for yaml format.
After you change the file extension, you need to make corresponding format changes in the DataID and content of the configuration center. |
8.4. Dynamic Configuration Refresh
spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-acm supports dynamic configuration updates. RefreshEvent in Spring is published when you update configuration in the configuration center. All classes with @RefreshScope and @ConfigurationProperties annotations will be refreshed automatically.
You can disable automatic refresh by this setting: spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.refresh.enabled=false |
8.5. Configure Profile Granularity
When configuration is loaded by spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-acm, configuration with DataId {spring.application.name}. {file-extension} will be loaded first. If there is content in spring.profiles.active, the content of spring.profile, and configuration with the dataid format of{spring.application.name}-{profile}. {file-extension} will also be loaded in turn, and the latter has higher priority.
spring.profiles.active is the configuration metadata, and should also be configured in bootstrap.properties or bootstrap.yaml. For example, you can add the following content in bootstrap.properties.
Note: You can also configure the granularity through JVM parameters such as -Dspring.profiles.active=develop or --spring.profiles.active=develop, which have higher priority. Just follow the specifications of Spring Boot.
8.6. Support Custom ACM Timeout
the default timeout of ACM client get config from sever is 3000 ms . If you need to define a timeout, set configuration spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.timeout
,the unit is millisecond.
8.7. Support Custom Group Configurations
DEFAULT_GROUP is used by default when no {spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.group}
configuration is defined. If you need to define your own group, you can use the following method:
This configuration must be placed in the bootstrap.properties file, and the value of Group must be the same with the value of spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.group .
8.7.1. Support Shared Configurations
ACM provides a solution to share the same configuration across multiple applications. You can do this by adding the spring.application.group
configuration in Bootstrap.
Then, you application will retrieve configurations from the following DataId in turn before it retrieves its own configuration: company:application.properties, company.department:application.properties, company.department.team:application.properties. After that, it also retrieves configuration from {spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}. {file-extension} The later in order, the higer the priority, and the unique configuration of the application itself has the highest priority.
The default suffix of DataId is properties, and you can change it using spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.file-extension. {spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}. {file-extension} .
If you configured spring.profiles.active , then the DataId format of {spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}-{spring.profiles.active}. {file-extension} is also supported, and has higher priority than {spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}. {file-extension}
8.8. Actuator Endpoint
the Actuator endpoint of ACM is /acm
, config
represents the ACM metadata configuration information, runtime.sources
corresponds to the configuration information obtained from the ACM server and the last refresh time, runtime.refreshHistory
corresponds to the dynamic refresh history.
9. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS
OSS(Object Storage Service)is a storage product on Alibaba Cloud. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS provides the commercialized storage service in conformity with Spring Cloud specifications. We provide easy-to-use APIs and supports the integration of Resource in the Spring framework.
9.1. How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS
We’ve released Spring Cloud Alibaba version 0.2.1. You will need to add dependency management POM first.
Next we need to introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS Starter.
9.2. How to Use OSS API
9.2.1. Configure OSS
Before you start to use Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS, please add the following configurations in application.properties.
spring.cloud.alicloud.access-key=Your Alibaba Cloud AK
spring.cloud.alicloud.secret-key=Your Alibaba Cloud SK
access-key and secret-key is the AK/SK of your Alibaba Cloud account. If you don’t have one, please register an account first, and log on to Alibaba Cloud AK/SK Management to get your AccessKey ID and Access Key Secret . If you haven’t create the AccessKeys, click “Create AccessKey” to create one.
For endpoint information, please refer to the OSS Documentation and get the endpoint for your region.
9.2.2. Introduce OSS API
The OSS API of Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS is based on the official OSS SDK, and includes APIs for uploading, downloading, viewing files.
Here is a simple application that uses the OSS API.
public class OssApplication {
private OSS ossClient;
public String home() {
ossClient.putObject("bucketName", "fileName", new FileInputStream("/your/local/file/path"));
return "upload success";
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
SpringApplication.run(OssApplication.class, args);
Before you upload your files, please Register an Alibaba Cloud Account. If you already have one, please Sign up for OSS.
Log on to the OSS Console, click “Create New Bucket” and create a bucket as instructed. Replace the bucket name in the “bucketname” of the previous code with your new bucket name. "fileName” can be any name you like, and "/your/local/file/path” can be any local file path. Next you can run `curl number/ to upload your files, and you will see your file on the OSS Console.
For more instructions on OSS APIs, please refer to OSS SDK Documentation.
9.3. Integrate with the Resource Specifications of Spring
Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS integrates the Resource of the Spring framework, which allows you to use the OSS resources easily.
The following is a simple example of how to use Resource.
public class OssApplication {
private Resource file;
public String fileResource() {
try {
return "get file resource success. content: " + StreamUtils.copyToString(
file.getInputStream(), Charset.forName(CharEncoding.UTF_8));
} catch (Exception e) {
return "get resource fail: " + e.getMessage();
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
SpringApplication.run(OssApplication.class, args);
A prerequisite for the above sample is that you need to have a bucket named “bucketName” on OSS, and you have a file named “fileName” in this bucket. |
9.4. Use STS Authentication
In addition to AccessKeys, Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS also supports STS authentication. STS is an authentication method with temporary security tokens, and is usually used for a third party to access its resources temporarily.
For a third party to access resources temporarily, it only needs to complete the following configurations.
spring.cloud.alicloud.oss.sts.access-key=Your authenticated AK
spring.cloud.alicloud.oss.sts.secret-key=Your authenticated SK
spring.cloud.alicloud.oss.sts.security-token=Your authenticated ST
Among which, spring.cloud.alicloud.oss.authorization-mode is the enumeration type. Fill in STS here means that STS authentication is used. For endpoint information, refer to the OSS Documentation and fill in the endpoint for your region.
Access-key, secret-key and the security-token need to be issued by the authentication side. For more information about STS, refer to STS Documentation.
9.5. More Configurations for the Client
In addition to basic configurations, Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud OSS also supports many other configurations, which are also included in the application.properties file.
Here are some examples.
spring.cloud.alicloud.oss.sts.access-key=Your authenticated AK
spring.cloud.alicloud.oss.sts.secret-key=Your authenticated SK
spring.cloud.alicloud.oss.sts.security-token=Your authenticated ST
For more configurations, refer to the table at the bottom of OSSClient Configurations.
In most cases, you need to connect the parameter names with “-” for the parameters in the table of OSSClient Configurations with “-”, and all letters should be in lowercase. For example, ConnectionTimeout should be changed to connection-timeout. |
10. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX
SchedulerX(Distributed job scheduling) is a component of EDAS, an Alibaba Cloud product. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX provides distributed job scheduling in conformity with the Spring Cloud specifications. SchedulerX provides timed job scheduling service with high accuracy with seconds, high stability and high availabiliy, and supports multiple job types, such as simple single-server jobs, simple multi-host jobs, script jobs, and grid jobs.
10.1. How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX
If you want to use SchedulerX in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-schedulerX
10.2. Start SchedulerX
After Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX Starter is introduced into the client, you only need to complete a few simple configurations and you will be able to initialize the SchedulerX service automatically.
The following is a simple example.
public class ScxApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ScxApplication.class, args);
Add the following configurations in the application.properties file.
# cn-test is the test region of SchedulerX
Before getting the group-id, please Register an Alibaba Cloud account, and then Sign up for EDAS and Sign up for SchedulerX as well.
To get the group-id, refer to the SchedulerX Documentation.
When you create a group, please select the “test” region. |
10.3. Compile a simple job
Simple job is the most commonly used job type. You only need to implement the ScxSimpleJobProcessor interface.
The following is a sample of a simple single-server job.
public class SimpleTask implements ScxSimpleJobProcessor {
public ProcessResult process(ScxSimpleJobContext context) {
System.out.println("-----------Hello world---------------");
ProcessResult processResult = new ProcessResult(true);
return processResult;
10.4. Job Scheduling
Go to the SchedulerX Jobs page, select the “Test” region, and click “Create Job” on the upper-right corner to create a job, as shown below.
Job Group: Test——***-*-*-****
Job process interface:SimpleTask
Type: Simple Single-Server Job
Quartz Cron Expression: Default Option——0 * * * * ?
Job Description: Empty
Custom Parameters: Empty
The job above is a “Simple Single-Server Job”, and specified a Cron expression of "0 * * * * ?" . This means that the job will be executed once and once only in every minute.
For more job types, refer to SchedulerX Documentation.
10.5. Usage in Production Environment
The previous examples shows how to use SchedulerX in the “Test” region, which is mainly used for local testing.
At the production level, you need to complete some other configurations in addition to the group-id and namespace as mentioned above. See examples below:
# cn-test is the test region of SchedulerX
# If your application runs on EDAS, you do not need to configure the following.
# The following configurations are not mandatory. You can refer to the SchedulerX documentation for details.
The way to get the group-id is the same as described in the previous examples, and you can get the namespace by clicking “Namespaces” in the left-side navigation pane of the EDAS console.
Group-id must be created within a namespace. |
Access-key and secret-key are the AK/SK of your Alibaba Cloud account. If you deploy you applications on EDAS, then you do not need to fill in this information. Otherwise please go to Security Information to get your AccessKeys.
Domain-name is not mandatory. You can refer to SchedulerX Documentation for details.
11. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SMS
SMS(Short Message Service)is a messaging service that covers the globe, Alibaba SMS provides convenient, efficient, and intelligent communication capabilities that help businesses quickly contact their customers.
Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SMS provide an easier-to-use API for quick access to Alibaba Cloud’s SMS service based on Spring Cloud Alibaba SMS.
11.1. How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SMS
If you want to use SMS in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as com.alibaba.cloud
and the artifact ID as spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-sms
11.2. How to use SMS API
11.2.1. Configure SMS
Before you start to use Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SMS, please add the following configurations in application.properties.
access-key and secret-key is the AK/SK of your Alibaba Cloud account. If you don’t have one, please register an account first, and log on to Alibaba Cloud AK/SK Management to get your AccessKey ID and Access Key Secret . If you haven’t create the AccessKeys, click “Create AccessKey” to create one.
11.2.2. Introduce SMS API
The SMS API in Spring Cloud Alicloud SMS is based on Alibaba Cloud SMS SDK. It has a single SMS sending, multiple SMS bulk sending, SMS query, SMS message (SMS receipt message and Upstream SMS message) class operation API.
The following is a simple example of how to use SMS api to send short message:
public class SmsApplication {
private ISmsService smsService;
public SendBatchSmsResponse batchsendCheckCode(
@RequestParam(name = "code") String code) {
SendSmsRequest request = new SendSmsRequest();
// Required:the mobile number
// Required:SMS-SignName-could be found in sms console
// Required:Template-could be found in sms console
// Required:The param of sms template.For exmaple, if the template is "Hello,your verification code is ${code}". The param should be like following value
request.setTemplateParam("{\"code\":\"" + code + "\"}");
SendSmsResponse sendSmsResponse ;
try {
sendSmsResponse = smsService.sendSmsRequest(request);
catch (ClientException e) {
sendSmsResponse = new SendSmsResponse();
return sendSmsResponse ;
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
SpringApplication.run(SmsApplication.class, args);
Before you send your messages, please Register an Alibaba Cloud Account. If you already have one, please Turn on SMS Service.
For more information about SMS , please refer to the SMS official SMS (SendSms)---JAVA] docs .
Due to an issue with the earlier SMS sdk version, if the text message fails to be sent, please delete the line of code that contains the explicit MethodType as POST. If you still have problems, please contact us as soon as possible. |
11.3. The Advanced Features of SMS Api
In order to reduce the cost of learning, the API interface of the Spring Cloud Alicloud SMS package is kept as consistent as the API and Example provided by the official website.
Batch SMS sending
Refer to the following example to quickly develop a feature with bulk SMS sending. Add the following code in the Controller or create a new Controller:
public SendBatchSmsResponse batchsendCheckCode(
@RequestParam(name = "code") String code) {
SendBatchSmsRequest request = new SendBatchSmsRequest();
"[{\"code\":\"" + code + "\"},{\"code\":\"" + code + "\"}]");
SendBatchSmsResponse sendSmsResponse ;
try {
sendSmsResponse = smsService
return sendSmsResponse;
catch (ClientException e) {
sendSmsResponse = new SendBatchSmsResponse();
return sendSmsResponse ;
The MethodType of the request is set to GET, which is somewhat different from the example given by the official website. This is because the inconsistent version of the dependent Alibaba Cloud POP API version causes incompatibility issues, set to GET. |
More parameter descriptions can be reference here
SMS Query
Refer to the following example to quickly develop a history of sending SMS messages based on a specified number. Add the following code in the Controller or create a new Controller:
public QuerySendDetailsResponse querySendDetailsResponse(
@RequestParam(name = "tel") String telephone) {
QuerySendDetailsRequest request = new QuerySendDetailsRequest();
try {
QuerySendDetailsResponse response = smsService.querySendDetails(request);
return response;
catch (ClientException e) {
return new QuerySendDetailsResponse();
More parameter descriptions can be found at reference here
SMS receipt message
By subscribing to the SmsReport SMS status report, you can know the status of each SMS message and whether it knows the status and related information of the terminal user. These efforts have been encapsulated internally by Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS. You only need to complete the following two steps.
1、Configure the queue name for SmsReport in the application.properties
configuration file (which can also be application.yaml).
2、Implement the SmsReportMessageListener interface and initialize a Spring Bean.
public class SmsReportMessageListener
implements SmsReportMessageListener {
public boolean dealMessage(Message message) {
//do something
System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + "; " + message.toString());
return true;
More message body format for Message can be reference here.
Upstream SMS message
By subscribing to the SmsUp upstream SMS message, you can know the content of the end user replying to the SMS. These efforts have also been packaged by Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS. You only need to complete the following two steps.
1、Configure the queue name for SmsReport in the application.properties
configuration file (which can also be application.yaml).
2、Implement the SmsUpMessageListener interface and initialize a Spring Bean.
public class SmsUpMessageListener
implements org.springframework.cloud.alicloud.sms.SmsUpMessageListener {
public boolean dealMessage(Message message) {
//do something
System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + "; " + message.toString());
return true;
More message body format for Message can be reference here.
12. Spring Cloud Alibaba AppActive
12.1. Introduction
AppActive is an open source middleware that builds a cloud-native, high-availability and multi-active disaster tolerance architecture for business applications. It provides standards, implementations, and demos for applying the multi-active disaster recovery architecture, which is suitable for rich business scenarios (single AZ, single region, single cloud, multi AZ, multi region, multi-cloud, self-built IDC…).
AppActive is an internal open source project of AHAS-MSHA. It is based on Alibaba’s nearly 9-year production disaster recovery practice, and combines the best practices of many external customers and communities from Alibaba Cloud’s commercial services, and has the characteristics of high reliability and scalability.
AppActive has the following features:
12.1.1. Unit diversion
Unified traffic access
The ability to control traffic comes from the unified access of traffic. We call this layer the access layer. The access layer is the entrance of all traffic of the unit. It can parse the request protocol and correctly guide the request traffic to the corresponding application service SLB of the correct unit according to the set split mode and split granularity. If there are no special instructions below, the request protocol defaults to HTTP. The figure below is a schematic diagram of the access layer.
Shunt mode
In the multi-active scenario, the traffic will be sliced according to a certain latitude and distributed to different units. Multi-active supports multiple diversion modes, such as proportional diversion and diversion according to business attributes. The specific diversion mode to choose depends on the needs of the business scenario. The shunt mode is finally reflected in the routing rules. The routing rule is a configuration that defines which unit a certain flow should belong to.
Diversion proportionally.In some business scenarios, you need to split traffic according to users or device numbers. Users, devices, etc. can all be abstracted into one ID, and then the ID can be divided into multiple sections, and each section belongs to a certain unit. In this shunt mode, the traffic ratio of each unit can be estimated through the ID interval. By setting the ratio of the ID interval to the unit capacity to be consistent, global load balancing can be achieved.
Diversion according to business attributes.In some business scenarios, it is necessary to split traffic according to traffic attributes, such as introducing crawler traffic to a specific unit, or splitting traffic by province. Crawlers, provinces, etc. can all be abstracted into one label, and then different label value traffic can be introduced into different units. This offloading mode can support physical isolation of traffic with different business attributes.
Shunt granularity
With the servicing of applications, today’s applications are no longer a monolithic architecture, and there may be hundreds of applications that provide user access. The access layer introduces user traffic to the correct application, and supports two granularities of domain name and URI prefix.
Diversion by domain name.Different applications are distinguished according to different domain names. For example, the domain name of application app1 is app1.example.com, and the domain name of app2 is app2.example.com.
Diversion by URI prefix.Different applications are distinguished according to different URI prefixes. For example, the domain names of apps app1 and app2 are both app.example.com, but the traffic with the prefix /app1 in the URI is introduced into app1, and the traffic with the prefix /app2 is introduced into app2.
Traffic Protocol
The access layer supports four-layer and seven-layer rich traffic request protocols to meet the needs of users in diverse scenarios such as the Internet and the Internet of Things.
HTTP protocol support.The access layer supports the HTTP protocol by default, and the domain name and URI are parsed from the HTTP protocol for forwarding and routing.
HTTPS protocol support.The access layer supports the HTTPS protocol, provides centralized domain name certificate management, and meets the user’s requirements for reliable and secure transmission. If the user configures the domain name certificate at the access layer, the application of SLB does not need to configure the certificate.
Other protocol support.In addition to supporting HTTP and HTTPS protocols, the access layer also supports other HTTP-based protocols, such as SOAP. The access layer has great scalability in terms of protocols, and can quickly support special protocols in the form of plug-ins, such as MQTT and COAP in the Internet of Things scenario.
Route transparent transmission
In order to ensure that the flow can be closed in the cell, each layer of the access layer, application layer, and data layer will perform routing error correction or cell protection. In order to identify the traffic, it is necessary to clarify the unitized type and branch id of the traffic, which we call routing parameters, so that the correct unit of the traffic can be calculated through routing rules. Therefore, the routing parameters need to be transmitted along the request path, which we call routing Penetrate.
Access layer routing transparent transmission.When a browser initiates a service request, it needs to carry routing parameters in the request. Routing parameters can be in cookie, head or body, cookie is recommended. The access layer can parse the HTTP request, get the routing parameters and route to the correct application SLB, while the application server can still get the native routing parameters from the request.
Application layer routing transparent transmission.When the traffic arrives at the application server, MultiLive provides a plug-in to extract routing parameters from the HTTP request and save them in the context. The next application may initiate RPC calls or asynchronous messages. Therefore, routing parameters need to be transparently transmitted at the RPC and message levels.
RPC routing transparent transmission.When an application initiates an RPC call, the RPC client can retrieve routing parameters from the context and follow the RPC request to the remote service provider Provider. The Provider client recognizes the routing parameters in the Request and saves them in the calling context. The process of routing parameters in RPC is transparent to users.
Message routing transparent transmission.When the MQ client sends a message, it will obtain routing parameters from the current context and add it to the message properties. When the MQ client consumes a message, it can retrieve routing parameters from the message attributes and save them in the calling context. The process of routing parameters in MQ is transparent to users.
Data layer routing transparent transmission.Dirty writing of data can cause serious consequences, so it is necessary to ensure that the data is stored in the correct unit of DB. Duohuo provides the DRIVER plug-in, and rejects requests from non-this unit.
12.1.2. Unit collaboration
In the disaster recovery scenario, each unit in the ideal scenario is independent, but in fact there will be some business scenarios that cross-unit scenarios. In order to meet these scenarios, the product needs to provide unit collaboration capabilities.
Center call
In some specific business scenarios, in order to ensure strong data consistency, specific services can only be provided in specific central units, and all calls to central services will be directly routed to the central unit for completion. Remote multi-active products use CSB components and RPC multi-active plug-ins to complete coordinated calls between service units to meet business integrity.
12.1.3. Unit protection
The product guarantees the global correctness of the business logic, and will not cause inconsistencies in the unit business logic due to cut-flow operations. Each layer of the system from top to bottom has error correction protection capabilities for error traffic to ensure that services are flowed correctly according to the unitized rules.
Access layer error correction
The traffic enters the access layer, and the access layer determines the unit of the traffic by requesting additional routing parameters, and the non-unit traffic will be proxied to the correct target unit, ensuring the correctness of the access layer ingress traffic.
RPC error correction
When the RPC service is called, the RPC Multi-Live Plugin will perform the correct routing of the service call based on the requested unit information on the Consumer side, and call the wrong traffic service. The RPC Multi-Live Plugin will calculate the correct target unit and call across units. Target unit services to ensure the consistency of service circulation logic. At the same time, the RPC Multi-Live Plugin will perform a second check on the incoming request on the Provider side to ensure the correct service call. Through the double check mechanism, RPC Multi-Live Plugin realizes the error correction of RPC calls to ensure the correctness of service calls.
12.1.4. Unit extension
Horizontal extension
When the business carrying capacity of the existing unit has reached the upper limit and cannot be expanded, the product provides simple and fast unit horizontal expansion capabilities:
Expansion of new units nationwide without geographic restrictions
The number of new units to be expanded is not limited, and the stability and performance of the unit are not affected by the number of units
Two types of unit expansion are provided: remote unit with independent DB and same-city unit with shared DB
12.2. How to use
12.2.1. Data Plane
Require your application service to be implemented in Java and implement service invocation with Spring Cloud
Load balancing supports Ribbon, but SpringCloudBalancer is not currently supported
Support declarative Http clients: OpenFeign and RestTemplate, not support original Http clients such as OkHttp and HttpClient
Quick Start Before starting the example for demonstration, let’s take a look at how Spring Cloud applications use the remote multi-active capabilities provided by AppActive. Note, this chapter is only for your understanding of the access method. The access work has been completed in this examples, and you do not need to modify it.
First, modify the pom.xml file to add the following maven dependencies based on the latest
added to the provider and consumer.<dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-appactive</artifactId> </dependency>
Configure offload policies for specific interfaces in the
configuration file of the Provider application. The suffixcore-path
is used to configure core services,global-path
is used to configure global services, andgeneral-path
is used to configure general services. For example, the product application distribution strategy in the demo is configured as follows:spring.cloud.appactive.filter.core-path=/detailHidden/*,/detail/* spring.cloud.appactive.filter.global-path=/buy/* spring.cloud.appactive.filter.general-path=/*
In the
of the Consumer application, configure the client load balancing as the load balancing algorithm provided by AppActive. The configuration method is as follows. Note that[service-name]
needs to be replaced with the specific service name to be consumed.[service-name].ribbon.NFLoadBalancerRuleClassName =com.alibaba.cloud.appactive.consumer.AppactiveRule
Presentation preparation
Start Nacos, MySQL, and push multi-active rules to Nacos:
In the
directory, execute:docker-compose -f component-quickstart.yml up -d
to start Nacos, MySQL. -
Execute the following command:
curl -X POST '' -d 'customNamespaceId=appactiveDemoNamespaceId&namespaceName=appactiveDemoNamespaceName&namespaceDesc=appactiveDemoNamespaceDesc'
Create a demo named in Nacos configuration center Space appactiveDemoNamespaceId. -
Execute the following command:
sh baseline.sh 2 NACOS appactiveDemoNamespaceId
to push the multi-active rule to the namespace. The multi-live rules are described as follows: -
: Describes how to extract routing tokens from http traffic -
: Describes how to parse routing tokens -
: Describes the mapping between routing labels and units -
: Properties that describe the database
Start five sets of applications, the startup parameters are:
Demonstration process
Demonstration of general service calls belonging to the normal unit. Typing:
address in the browser, it can be seen that the request is sent to the product through the frontend application.

Since `/listProduct` in the above path matches the `/*` path rule in the product application, which corresponds to the normal unit, frontend does not have a tendency in the product address list obtained from the registry, and will randomly select an address for request sending. So requesting the above path multiple times will see the request switch back and forth between the normal and center units of the product.
Demonstration of core service calls belonging to the different unit by request information. Typing:
in the browser, because the/detailProduct
in the above path matches the/detail/*
path rule in the product application, corresponding to the normal(unit) unit, it will be based on the request The specific value of the variable in the Header, Cookie or request parameter is used to determine the downstream unit type of the request, because the following flow switching rules are configured in advance (for details, see the content of the idUnitMapping.json file in the rule directory):{ "itemType": "UnitRuleItem", "items": [ { "name": "unit", "conditions": [ { "@userIdBetween": [ "0~1999" ] } ] }, { "name": "center", "conditions": [ { "@userIdBetween": [ "2000~9999" ] } ] } ] }
The above rules mean that requests with user IDs of 0 ~ 1999 will be sent to the noraml(unit) in the downstream provider, and requests with user IDs of 2000 ~ 9999 will be sent to the center unit of the downstream provider. As shown in the figure below, a request with a user ID of 1999 is simulated. It can be seen that the request is sent to the normal unit of product in the downstream through the frontend.

As shown in the figure below, a request with a user ID of 2000 is simulated. It can be seen that the request is sent to the center unit node of the product in the downstream through the frontend.

Demonstration of global service invocation belonging to the center unit. Typing:
path in the browser, because the/buyProduct
in the above path matches the/buy/*
path rule in the product and storage applications, corresponding to the center unit, it will directly send the request to the downstream center unit node.

Cut flow demo. The main things to do when cutting flow are as follows:
Build new mapping relationship rules and write prohibition rules (manually).
Push the write prohibition rules to the application.
Push the new mapping relationship rules to the application after waiting for the data to equalize. The streaming rule demonstrated next will send requests with user IDs 0 ~ 2999 to the normal(called unit) unit in the downstream provider, and requests with user IDs 3000 ~ 9999 will be sent to the center(called center) unit in the downstream provider. For specific rules, see idUnitMappingNext.json:
{ "itemType": "UnitRuleItem", "items": [ { "name": "unit", "conditions": [ { "@userIdBetween": [ "0~2999" ] } ] }, { "name": "center", "conditions": [ { "@userIdBetween": [ "3000~9999" ] } ] } ] }
As shown in the figure below, a request with a user ID of 2999 is simulated. It can be seen that the request is sent to the unit node of the product in the downstream through the frontend, and the flow switching rule takes effect.

As shown in the figure below, a request with a user ID of 3000 is simulated. It can be seen that the request is sent to the center unit node of the product in the downstream through the frontend, and the cut flow rule takes effect.